Access 97/2000 Shortcut Keys

[Keys for general Use] [Keys for Use in the Database Window] [Keys for Selecting Text or Data] [Keys for Editing Text or Data] [Keys for Working in Datasheet View] [Keys for Moving Around in Form View] [Keys for Working in Print Preview and Layout Preview]

Keys for General Use

Display help

To Press
Display the Office Assistant, Microsoft Access Contents and Index; context-sensitive help about the selected property, control, macro action, or Visual Basic keyword; or alerts with a Help button.   F1
Display What's This help [after pressing SHIFT-F1, move the pointer to the menu command, toolbar button, dialog box option, or screen region, then]    SHIFT-F1

Open a database

To Press
Open a new database   CTRL-N
Open an existing database   CTRL-O

Print and save

To Press
Print the current or selected object   CTRL-P
Save a database object   CTRL-S or SHIFT-F12 or ALT-SHIFT-F2
Open the Save As dialog box   F12 or ALT-F2

Use a combo box or list box  

To Press
Open a combo box   F4 or ALT-DOWN ARROW
Refresh the contents of a Lookup field list box or combo box    F9
Move down one line   DOWN ARROW
Move down one page   PAGE DOWN
Move up one line   UP ARROW
Move up one page   PAGE UP
Exit the combo box or list box   TAB

Find and replace text or data  

To Press
Open the Find dialog box (Datasheet view, Form view, and Module Window only)   CTRL-F
Open the Replace dialog box (Datasheet view, Form view, and Module Window only)   CTRL-H
Find the next occurrence of the text specified in the Find or Replace dialog box when the dialog box is closed (Datasheet view and Form view only)   SHIFT-F4

Work in Design view  

To Press
Switch between edit mode (with insertion point displayed) and navigation mode   F2
Select a form or report   CTRL-R
Switch to Form view from form design or a form module   F5
Switch between the upper and lower portions of a window (Design view of tables, macros, and queries and the Advanced Filter/Sort window only)   F6
Add a control to a section (Form and Report Design view only) SHIFT-ENTER

Window operations

To Press
Bring the Database Window to the front   F11 or ALT-F1
Cycle between open windows   CTRL-F6
Restore the selected minimzed window when all windows are minimized    ENTER
Display the Control menu   ALT-SPACEBAR
Close the active window   CTRL-W or CTRL-F4


To Press
Display the complete hyperlink address for a selected hyperlink    F2
Check spelling   F7
Open the Zoom box to conveniently enter expressions and other text in small input areas   SHIFT-F2
Display a property sheet   ALT-ENTER
Quit Microsoft Access, close a dialog box, or close a property sheet    ALT-F4
Invoke a Builder   CTRL-F2
Toggle between a custom menu bar and a built-in menu bar   CTRL-F11

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