Access 97/2000 Shortcut Keys

[Keys for general Use] [Keys for Use in the Database Window] [Keys for Selecting Text or Data] [Keys for Editing Text or Data] [Keys for Working in Datasheet View] [Keys for Moving Around in Form View] [Keys for Working in Print Preview and Layout Preview]

Keys for Use in the Database Window

Edit and navigate the list of objects

To Press
Rename a selected object   F2
Move down one window   PAGE DOWN
Move up one window   PAGE UP
Move to the next object  DOWN ARROW
Move to the previous object UP ARROW
Move to the last object   END
Move to the first object   HOME

 Navigate and open objects

To Press
Move to the next tab in the Database Window  CTRL-TAB
Move to the previous tab in the Database Window   SHIFT-CTRL-TAB
Open the selected table or query in Datasheet view, or form in Form view   ENTER
Open the selected report in Print Preview   ENTER
Run the selected macro   ENTER
Open the selected table, query, form, report, macro, or module in Design view   CTRL-ENTER or ALT-D

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Last modified: April 04, 2004

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