Access 97/2000 Shortcut Keys

[Keys for general Use] [Keys for Use in the Database Window] [Keys for Selecting Text or Data] [Keys for Editing Text or Data] [Keys for Working in Datasheet View] [Keys for Moving Around in Form View] [Keys for Working in Print Preview and Layout Preview]

Keys for Editing Text or Data

Use these shortcuts in Table Datasheet or Form view.

Move the insertion point in a field (if the insertion point isn't visible, press F2 to display it)

To Press
Move it one character to the right   RIGHT ARROW
Move it one word to the right   CTRL-RIGHT ARROW
Move it one character to the left   LEFT ARROW
Move it one word to the left   CTRL-LEFT ARROW
Move it to the end of the field, in single-line fields   END
Move it to the end of the field, in multiple-line fields   CTRL-END
Move it to the beginning of the field, in single-line fields    HOME
Move it to the beginning of the field, in multiple-line fields    CTRL-HOME

Copy, move, or delete text

To   Press
Copy the selection to the Clipboard   CTRL-C
Cut the selection and copy it to the Clipboard   CTRL-X
Paste the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion point   CTRL-V
Delete the selection or the character to the left of the insertion point   BACKSPACE
Delete the selection or the character to the right of the insertion point   DEL

Undo changes

To  Press
Undo typing   CTRL-Z or ALT-BACKSPACE
Undo changes in the current field or current record; if both have been changed, press ESC twice to undo changes first in the current field and then in the current record   ESC

Enter Data in Datasheet or Form View 

To Press
Insert the current date   CTRL-SEMICOLON (;)
Insert the current time   CTRL-COLON (:)
Insert the default value for a field   CTRL-ALT-SPACEBAR
Insert the value from the same field in the previous record    CTRL-APOSTROPHE (')
Add a new record   CTRL-PLUS SIGN (+)
Delete the current record   CTRL-MINUS SIGN (-)
Save changes to the current record   SHIFT-ENTER
Switch between the values in a check box or option button   SPACEBAR
Insert a new line   CTRL-ENTER

Refresh Fields with Current Data

To Press
Recalculate the fields in the window   F9
Requery the underlying tables (in a subform, this requeries the underlying table for the subform only) SHIFT-F9
Refresh the contents of a Lookup field list box or combo box  F9

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